Sunday, February 1, 2009

31 January 2009

I had a lovely day yesterday.

Had Hi-tea from 12 noon till 5 p.m. at Hotel Equatorial with someone that I had not seen for 28 years!!!!

I knew Molly and her late hubby Buck (Bakar) since I was about 18 or so. I was a young girl and was working in this Sports Shop (the only one I think) in Butterworth and Buck came in one day with a few Custom guys with a Custom friend and Buck was this good looking guy and I knew that he was married and told my Malay friend Norma to forget it lah. He's taken.

Soon after that I met his Chinese wife Molly and their son who was such a real cutey pie 1 year or so baby. After that I spent lots of my time at their and playing with their son.

Soon I had to leave Butterworth cos my dad said that it was time I started looking out for a career and we kept in touch but after sometime lost touch till I got this sms from a friend late last year before Hari Raya that Buck passed away. I was so shocked. This lovely handsome man whom I had grown to love as an Abang was gone, taken away from his family so young in life. Of cos I knew that God has his plans and that Buck was in a better place. Anyway i got back in touch with Molly and she came down for Chinese New year so we decided to meet and I met her other 2 kids. Juliana I had seen as a babe but the youngest I had not met so we had good food and got to know each other and it was a lovely time I had and I hope they did too.

I felt so bad when Molly paid for the Hi-tea as I was going to treat her and in the end they decided to treat me cos of my 50th Birthday.

That night, I had dinner with another old friend Doris (i knew her when I was 20) at her home. She invited another old friend Priscilla and her beau Michael. First time meeting him and I thought he was a good looking bloke. We chatted and chatted till 12.30 a.m. and Michael and Pris sent me home.

I guess that old and good friends must be cherished and kept in touch with. Not to leave things to a once a year get-together. I must at least meet them every 3 months. These are people who knew me as a young gal and watched me grow and make mistakes and even helped me out by being there for me.

Altogether, I had a great day and I thank God for my family and friends.


  1. Hi Ann, Visited before but can't remember if i left a comment. That's age!!!!! catching up, hahaha.

    Yep, I agree, good family and friends are worth thanking God for! So, Amen to that!


  2. Hello Ann,

    I read you comment at Lita's and decided to look you up.

    If I didn't know I didn't write it, it could have been me writing that comment.

    I did go to one vigil because I believe in the cause AND because I wanted to meet in real life the people I only knew via their blogs.

    To say that my heart sang that one time, is truly an understatement. I want to go again, and I may. I'll just have to play it by ear.

    I am in PD during the weekends and return very late on Sunday nights. That's my excuse. But it feels lame to me, too :(

    I'm just writing to let you know that I so know where you're coming from. This takut you feel? It is a very legitimate fear.

    Every vigil since just before the Chinese New Year has been 'ended' by the police, with FRU in standby mode.

    I salute these guys who're there every week. My buddy Lita is one of them. And since I know her, I know what courage it takes for her to be there week after week.

    One day, when you feel it's right, you'll go too. In the meanwhile, just light a candle in brotherhood with our pals and send good karma into the universe.




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